Acne: It’s not just ‘Superficial’
Acne is a seriously debilitating skin condition. Not only does it affect your skin (obviously), but it also affects your mental health and your self-esteem.
Ask anyone who’s struggled with acne and they’ll tell you all about that time that they had a severe breakout and felt as though they couldn’t leave the confines of their home.
But did you know that research has officially shown a link between acne and depression?
A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology analyses patient record data from 1968 – 2012 from a large primary care database in the United Kingdom. “In the first year following an acne diagnosis, we were most surprised to find that these patients have a 63 percent increased risk of developing depression compared to patients who did not have acne,” says Isabelle Vallerand, the lead author of the study.
It’s not surprising really, considering our current ‘obsession’ with social media.
Nowadays people use social media platforms to create an image of themselves, we’re no longer just human beings, we’re also our own brand. We’ve become naturally attuned to seeking out our flaws and aiming to perfect them. So when something like acne takes over our lives, our self-esteem plummets because we know that there isn’t any quick solution, it’s not something that we can control and it seriously sucks.
That’s why Dr. Des Fernandes, the Pioneer of Environ Skincare, believes that “prevention is better than cure.” By taking care of your skin from a young age, feeding it the correct nutrients and staying out of the sun you reduce your risk of developing acne as well as obvious signs of aging such as wrinkles, frowns and laughter lines.
Australian organisation, All about Acne, stresses “studies show acne can be linked to social isolation, self-consciousness, low self-esteem, reduced employment prospects, anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts so it’s important to seek medical help as soon as possible.
If you are thinking about suicide or experiencing a personal crisis, help is available.
No one needs to face their problems alone.
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